A Message from the Pastor


Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and renewal. It's a time to strip away distractions and focus on the unwavering love of God. This year, our Lenten journey will center on the theme of "Steadfast Love." Over the coming weeks, we'll explore the depths of God's enduring commitment to us, a love that persists through our failings, our doubts, and even our wanderings. We'll discover how this steadfast love empowers us to face life's challenges with courage, extend grace to others, and live more fully into the transformative power of Christ's resurrection.

Child Care
Infants –Three years old
Available each Sunday 9:45-Noon
Please ask Usher for assistance

Circle of Friends
Pre-K—Fifth Grade
Welcome Center

Adult Sunday School
9:50am Good News Class, Office
9:50am Men & Women of Faith, AR

            Free Meal to All Who Come!          
 Every Monday 5-6:30pm
Fellowship Hall    
Exercise Class
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    9am, Assembly Rm

 Choir 6:30pm, Choir Rm.
Bells 5:30pm, Choir Rm.

UMM Breakfast
Every first Saturday
8am at Startz Cafe

UWIF  Gathering
Every third Wednesday
No meetings for June, July, August

Youth  Night
Every Wednesday
6:30pm-Welcome Center
Starting backup in August

Loving like Jesus 

Learning His ways

Leading by example

We are here to be a loving and living reflection of Jesus Christ in the world. And we believe learning and sharing Him brings transformation! Together through community, we seek to live lives grown in Christlike faith as we build one another up, serving our neighbors and beyond with love and compassion.

Loving God. Loving Others.

When Jesus was asked about what was most important in life, he simply said,
"'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' This is
the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to go with it:
'Love others as well as you love yourself!'" Matthew 22:37-39 MSSG

What's Happening at CLUMC

Connect with us.

Canyon Lake UMC
206 Flintstone Dr.
Canyon Lake, TX 78133

sunday Gathering Times

Sunday Morning Bible Studies
9:50 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship
11:00 a.m.

Circle of Friends 
PreK - 5th grades during 11 am Worship

*Loving Child Care is offered*
from 9:45 am - Noon